We must sign in to Dynamic 365, click to Settings, and select Solution in order to create an alert message in Ribbon Workbench. For Ribbon Workbench, a new Solution without entities, fields, or forms can be created.
The Ribbon Workbench Solution is Marked as Performed Below.
Since the solution doesn’t contain any entities, we can import an entity from another solution that doesn’t have any fields or forms.
At this point, import the solution that consists of a single entity without any fields or forms by clicking Ribbon Workbench at the top of the page.
The Ribbon workbench page will appear after you click “ok.”
Three pages, labelled “Home,” “SubGrid,” and “Form,” exist. Drag the button from the toolbar to the Form page once the page has opened. Add the command in the command area and the Button section, and edit the label’s Name.
Now click on command goto Add Action — Select JavaScript Action. Go back to Solution and web Resource ,create a new web resource .
In the Type– Text Editor write the JavaScript Code as
function AlertRibbon(executionContext)
var formContext=executionContext;
let Name=formContext.getAttribute(“sun_name”).getValue();
The code functions as follows: anything entered in the Name field will cause an alert to appear when you click on the Ribbon Button on the Form and then enter your name.
Now type the Alert’s name in the Library’s Function Name field, then select Add Parameter –CRM Parameter –Primary Control from the drop-down menu.
Next, publish the solution. It will just take a few minutes to publish, open, select an entity, and test the flow of the model-driven apps to see the results.
For any fields and Tabs, we can construct alert messages similar to this.
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