
Try Catch Statement in TypeScript

In this blog we will see what is try catch statement in Typescript. Try catch Statement in TypeScript :  The try catch statement in TypeScript allows you to handle some or all of the errors that may occur in your application. These errors are frequently referred to as exceptions. A try-ca...


What is Ternary Conditional Operator in Type Script

In this blog we can see what is ternary conditional operator in TypeScript.Ternary conditional operator : The Typescript conditional operator is a Ternary Operator with three operands. The first operand is an evaluation condition. It is followed by a question mark (? ), and finally by an e...


How to use Switch() Statement in TypeScript

Introduction: In this blog we can see how to use switch() statement in TypeScript . A switch statement is a useful tool for expressing a certain kind of condition. If just one expression is evaluated for equality with a variety of values, it can be used in place of an if statement with num...


How to use if else statement in type script

In this blog we will discuss about how to use if else condition in TypeScript . An if-else statement allows you to control the execution of statements based on conditional expression results. An if statement may contain multiple else and if clauses, as well as one else clause at the end. I...


How to sort An Array in TypeScript

In this type script tutorial we can see how to sort an array of an object uing type script. The array sort() function is used to sort an array. With the specified optional comparison function. Javascript will sort the array object if it is not provided by converting values to strings and c...


Top 10 TypeScript Interview Questions and answers

    In this Blog we will discuss about top 10 interview Questions in Typescript. 1. What is TypeScript and how does it differ from JavaScript? TypeScript is a subset of JavaScript that can be translated into standard JavaScript. From a conceptual standpoint, TypeScript and JavaSc...


How to use Function type in TypeScript?

In this we can define that functions in Typescript  . Defining a Function : A function definition specifies what and how a specific task would be done. Before using a function, it must be defined. Functions are defined using the function keyword. Syntax :  function function_name() {// fu...


How to Build a Type_Safe Dictionary in TypeScript ?

 In this Blog we will learn about how to Build a type_safe Dictionary using TypeScript. Dictionary in TypeScript: A dictionary is a type of data structure that is commonly used in programming languages. It is critical for JavaScript developers to work with type-safe dictionaries because s...


What is an Array & its Methods in Typescript ?

In this Blog  we will learn what is an array in TypeScript , features of TypeScript . Array :  An array is a unique kind of data type that uses a particular syntax to sequentially store many values of various data kinds. Arrays in type script: TypeScript supports the following co...