Introduction of DAX functions in power bi :

One of the key features that makes Power BI a standout tool is the Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) language. DAX allows you to create custom calculations and expressions, enabling deeper insights into your data. In this article, we are going to explore a specific DAX formula: TotalSalesAmountbyyear, and how it can be used to analyze sales data for the year.

Understanding the Formula : 

The DAX formula in the below image shows

TotalSalesAmountbyyear = CALCULATE(SUM(financials[ Sales]),
coming to the DAX formula:

TotalSalesAmountbyyear: Represents and the name of the custom calculation we are creating. It represents the total sales amount for the year .

CALCULATE: This is a DAX function used to modify or filter a calculation. In this case, it is applied to the (SUM(financials[ Sales]) measure. 

FILTER(financials,YEAR(2013))): This part of the formula filters the financials table to include only rows where the year is 2013. The dominant table likely contains a date column, and we are isolating the data for the year 2013.

How to Use TotalSalesAmountbyyeay:

Now that we understand the formula, let’s explore how to use it effectively within Power BI.

Create a Measure: To use the TotalSalesAmountbyyear formula, you need to create a custom measure in Power BI. You can do this by going to the “Modeling” tab and selecting “New Measure.” Paste the formula into the measure creation window.
Visualize the Data: Once you have created the measure, you can use it in various visualizations within your Power BI report. For instance, you can create a table chart that shows the products of total sales amount for 2013. In the screenshot below, we used the measure in Table Visual to see the TotalSalesAmount generated by the products sales in 2013. Based on the visual, we can easily tell that paseo is the highest sales amount in 2013, with a value of 33011143.95

power bi

Slice and Dice Data: With this measure in place, you can also use it to filter other visuals or perform further analysis. For example, you could create a table that shows the top-selling products in 2013, or you could calculate the year-over-year growth in sales for 2013.

Benefits of TotalSalesAmountbyyear:

The TotalSalesAmountbyyear formula offers several benefits for data analysis.


It allows you to precisely calculate the total sales amount for a specific year, ensuring accuracy in your reports.


You can easily adapt this formula to calculate sales for any desired year by changing the year value in the filter condition.


The formula seamlessly integrates into your Power BI reports, enabling you to create interactive and insightful dashboards for your stakeholders.

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