When we are calculating the total amount is equal to the current month then following these steps.


1.Go to PowerApps in advance settings create a new web resource

2.In that web resource we can add the java script code in text editor then save and publish

  1. Go to main form and add the form properties in form libraries on web resource.

4.In event handlers add the function name and the event name on ON-change event then save and publish

  1. Play your app and enter the data then check the output

Java Script Code:-

function TotalcurrentmonthAmount(executionContext) {

     formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var totalmtd = 0;

    const currentDate = new Date();

    const currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();

const month = [“January”,”February”,”March”,”April”,”May”,”June”,”July”,”August”,”September”,”October”,”November”,”December”];

const d = new Date();

currentmonth = d.getMonth();

var crmonth = month[currentmonth];

    var apiContext = (typeof Xrm !== “undefined”) ? Xrm : parent.Xrm;

    apiContext.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords(“vijay_budget”, “?$select=vijay_amount,vijay_month,vijay_totalmtd,vijay_year”).then(

        function success(results) {


            for (var i = 0; i < results.entities.length; i++) {

                var result = results.entities[i];

                // Columns

                var vijay_budgetid = result[“vijay_budgetid”]; // Guid

                var vijay_amount = result[“vijay_amount”]; // Whole Number

                var vijay_amount_formatted = result[“vijay_amount@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue”];

                var vijay_month = result[“vijay_month”]; // Text

                var vijay_year = result[“vijay_year”];

                var vijay_totalmtd = result[“vijay_totalmtd”]; // Whole Number

                var vijay_totalmtd_formatted = result[“vijay_totalmtd@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue”];


                if (  vijay_year == currentYear, vijay_month == crmonth) {

                    totalmtd += vijay_amount;  



            console.log(“Total MTD: ” + totalmtd);

            formContext.getAttribute(“vijay_totalmtd”).setValue(totalmtd );


        function(error) {







When the current year and current month is equal your data in fields that time you will get the correct output see like this

*When the current year and current month is equal your data


*When the Current Year and Current Amount

*Here the total amount should be populated on every YEAR is equal

*Here the total amount should be populated on every month is equal

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