
In this article, we will learn about one of the most important features in Power BI Desktop update which is – Drill Through as an Action for Power BI Buttons.

This action type creates a button that drills through to a destination page to get details that are filtered to a specific context.

Real-life Example 

We have the following data structure in our report.

Now, we have created the following charts in our Power BI report.

  • Sum of sales by Segment
  • Sum of profit by Product

When here, we create a button to view the detailed view.

When the user clicks on the button, he will be redirected to the detailed view of the data with all the filters applied for the same context.

Now, we can apply a drill through from a button click in Power BI. One latest action has been added to the button to Drill Through from one page to another.

Step 1 :-

We have created two pages.

Page 1:- (Page 1)

Page 2:-  (Detailed View)

Step 2 :-

We want to drill through using the Status from Page 1.
So, in Page 2 > first we need to add Drill through the parameter.
Drag a Segment column from the Fields pane to Drill through the section.

Step 3 :-

Now, add a button to Page 1 (Home Page).

  • Turn on Action.
  • Add the following information.
  • Type = Drill through (Preview)
    Destination = Detailed view (Page 2 which we have created in Step 2).

Step 4 :-

Now, select the bar from the “Sum of sales by Segment” visual.

And , select Segment, this will cross filter product.

Then Press Ctrl Key and Select any product. I selected Velo.
If we wish to filter based on Segment + product, then follow the below procedure.

Click on the button. This will filter data based on product’s “Waiting on Feedback” status.

This will enable your button.
Press Ctrl + Click to redirect to the detailed page.

This will drill through to the Detail View page.

Limitations for Drill Through Button

Work only for inbuilt or OOTB visuals. Only some visuals from the App source support this feature.
We can use this feature in the same report. Cross filtering doesn’t work.