
In Dynamics 365, a solution component represents something that you can customize. So, we have 2 types of solutions in Dynamics CRM – Managed solutions where most of the product-related out-of-box functionalities will be present. But as per the customer requirement, we have to extend product behavior with the help of un-managed solutions where all the custom components can be kept. In this article, we are going to see how to create a custom or unmanaged solution in Dynamics CRM using classic mode and through Power Apps Maker Portal.

Let us see how to create a publisher in 2 ways,
1. Classic Way
2. Power Apps Maker Portal []
With the Classic interface of Dynamics CRM, by following the below steps we can create a solution.

Step 1

Login to the trial / D365 CRM Environment by giving a username and password. If you want to know how to create a trial environment you can refer to my earlier blogs and as shown below, and click on the Gear Icon.

After selecting of Gear icon, click on Advanced settings as shown below,

Step 2

After selection of Advanced settings, the user will be navigated to the Settings page, and in settings page select Solutions as shown below,

Step 3

The user will be navigated to the Solutions page and on the Solutions page, select the New button as shown below,


Step 4

After the selection of the new button in step 3, a new solution window popup will be opened as shown below,

Step 5

In the new solution pop-up window, provide mandatory fields Display Name and Name of your choice [by default it will be auto-populated as per Display name can be modified]and select Publisher which we created earlier from the lookup and Version Number as and Description of the solution, like what is this solution about and its purpose. Click on the Save button as shown below,

Step 6

If the user clicks on the Save button or Save and Close button, the user will be navigated to the Solutions window where the newly created solution will be present with the package type as unmanaged. Users can publish solutions by clicking on the PublishAllCustomizations button as shown below,

Creation of Publisher through Power Apps Maker Portal

Step 1

Go to and login with your username and password and select your environment as shown below,

Step 2

Navigate to Solutions as shown in the below screen and select the new solution, here you will see a quick create form for solutions,

Step 3

In New Solution quick create form, provide Display Name and Name [which will be auto-populated by default based on name, but can be editable], select Publisher dropdown, and select Publisher which we created earlier as shown below. Please refer to my last blog to know how to create a publisher in Dynamics 365 CRM Using Classic Mode and Power Apps Maker Portal. Enter the Version number as, fill in the Description, and the default package type will be unmanaged.

Click on Create button as shown below,

Step 4

After clicking on the Create button, a new solution with the package type as unmanaged will be created as shown below,

Step 5

Click on publish all customizations button, your new solution is ready to use as shown below,


In this article, we learned how to create a solution, using either the Classic way of interface in Dynamics 365 and using the Power Apps Maker portal.

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