What are Power BI filters?

Power BI filters are useful tools for organizing data, visualizing and comparing your data visualizations, and creating reports.

Types of Filters :

Visual Level Filter
Page Level Filter
Report Level Filter
Drill Through Filter

On the right side, we can able to find Filter Pane, and from here, we can apply all the filters to our data.

We will see each filter type, how to apply them

Visual Level Filter  :

This Filter is used in sorting single visuals, for example, cards, slicers, bar charts, maps, and other visuals.

Let’s see the steps involved in it with an example:

Step 1: Expand Visualizations, Filters, and Fields panes from the right side

Step 2 : To apply a visual filter, you just have to click a visual that you want to filter. For example seen in the below image

power bi

Page Level Filter :

Page level filter used to apply filters on a single page of a report applies filters to all the visuals present on that page.

Step 1: To use page-level filters, use the option “Filters on this page” from the Filters pane.

Step 2: Drag and drop a field based on which you wish to sort the information on a report page. In the image below, we can see that the ‘product’ field is dragged into selection.

For example seen in the below image

In the below image whole page is being filtered by selecting ‘Product’, so the whole page will show details. Here, we can make both single and multiple selections as needed.

Report Level Filter :

To apply a filter to the entire report, that is, to all the pages of a report uniformly, we use report-level filters. To apply this filter, drag and drop a field from the Fields section into the ‘Filter on all Pages’ section. Let’s start with the below examples. We have filtered the whole report by selections ‘Segments’

For example seen in the below image







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