In this article, am explaining how to Generate Word Template using Power Automate with Back End as Dynamics 365.
And am covering how to add Repeating Controller and Plain Text Content Controller in Word Document.
Implementation Steps

Step 1
Navigate to your solution on D365 and create entities
Step 2
In my case I have created 2 Entities, one is Employee Table and another Student 

Step 3
I have added some records to Employee Table Entity and Student Entity

Step 4
Now open Microsoft Word Document
Step 5
Once Microsoft Word opens click on Developer in Ribbon Tool Bar

Step 6
If the Developer is not available then Click File –> Select Options –> Click Customize Ribbon and Select Developer –> and Click OK

Step 7
I have prepare a world template, in this template we need to add the some columns dynamically.

Step 8
Now select the Employee ID then Click On Developer Ribbon Tab at the TOP then select Plain Text Content Controller

Step 9
Once done select the Employee ID Column then click Properties and After clicking Properties it will open Popup, enter Title and Tag

Step 10
Once done, do the same for other Column as Well

Step 11
Once done, now we are ready to add Repeating Content Controller for the Table so that it will display all the values from the entity.

Step 12
Now click on Properties and provide the Tag and Title for Repeating Table

Step 13
Once done save the file in your SharePoint Site
Once It’s done then we need to create a Power Automate.
Step 14
Go to and take manually trigger flow and flow name is “Generate world Template” then click on create button.
Step 15
Now click New Step, select Microsoft Dataverse and search for List Row and add the Table Name

Step 16
Once done click add step and search for SELECT

Step 17
Now select the Respective Values then please make sure the EmployeeID and EmployeeName As like as Properties which we have created in step 9

Step 18
Now select Add Steps –> Search for Word then Select POPULATE A MICROSOFT WORD TEMPALTE then select the Locations

Step 19
Now for Populating REPEATING TABLE click the HIGHLIGHTED BUTTON and select the OUTPUT Values from Point 16.
Step 20
Now send an Email

Now I have tested the flow and it’s success

Now the Flow is created successfully. Now am opening my Email and downloading the file

Open the downloaded file

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