Global Command Bar:

The top bar of the Unified Client resembles that of the Web Client, with the exception that the site map has been moved to the left-hand navigation

To the right of the help (?) button on this command bar, we can now add command buttons.

How to add a Global Command Button ?

1. We need to create a new solution and add the Application Ribbon using

 Global Command Bar

 2.Load up the new solution in the Ribbon Workbench and locate the Mscrm.GlobalTab group in the Home Command Bar and Drop a new button into Mscrm.GlobalTab group area.

3.Create a command that is linked to the button that calls URL Action

Finally, we publish the ribbon customization to Dynamics 365. If your solution has a lot of components, the publishing will take long time and in some case, it could get the error so the “best practice” is create a new solution only for Ribbon customization purpose and just add the needed thing to the solution.

Noteyou need reload the latest resource by pressing Ctrl+F5 to view the change after you publish solution.

4.Here is the result: The new button will display next to the Help(?) icon and URL action is executed when click the button

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