in this blog, we will discuss about the Power Apps Audio and Video control.

Audio Control

The PowerApps Audio control is an input tool that facilitates playing audio files within the app. This audio control can play a sound clip from a file, an audio track from a video file, as well as a recording from the Microphone control.

Video Control

The PowerApps Video control is an input control that enables the program to play a video file, one from YouTube, or one from Azure Media Services.

Add PowerApps Audio and Video control

The PowerApps Audio control makes it simple to play audio clips, and the PowerApps Video control makes it simple to play video clips. Alternatively, you can add both controls to the PowerApps screen at the same time.

Add PowerApps Audio Control

Click the Insert tab, select Media and then select Audio as seen below. An audio clip will start playing on the screen as soon as you click the Audio control.

Select the Audio control that you added to the screen, go to the Properties pane, select + Add media file, go to the audio file on your local system, and click Open to start playing the audio file.

Add Power Apps Video Control

Go to the Insert tab -> Select Media -> Video, as shown below. A video clip will start playing on the screen as soon as you click the Video control.

Play Video File

Select the Video control you added to the screen, go to the Properties pane, select + Add media file, select your video file from your local system, and then click Open to start playing it.

Play YouTube Video

Visit Media property and enter the exact URL of the YouTube video you wish to view.
You must make sure that the URL is contained in double quotation marks (” “), before providing it.