In this article, we will learn how to make use of timer control to create a marquee label in PowerApps. If you need to develop a scrolling text in your canvas app, this article will help you to write a logic for the same. We will make use of a timer control to update the position of the label control.

Step 1: Add a timer control and a label

Add a timer control on the screen for 1 second i.e. 1000 milliseconds. Set the Repeat and Auto start property to ON. Also, add a label that we will use for scrolling.

We will make use of this timer control to update the x position of a label as shown in the below Screenshot

Step 2: Use context variable to update the x position

On timer end property, we will update the context variable so that we can use this variable as X position of the label.

Set the OnTimerEnd property of the label.

varMessageX: If(
varMessageX > ‘scr_marquee Scrollable’.Width,
varMessageX + 10

Step 3: Set the X position of the label

Update the X position of the label to the context variable With “VarMessageX”

This will scroll the text from left to right. If you want the scroll from right to left, update the formula to

To increase the scrolling speed, decrease the timer duration. I have set it to 10.

You can also add the fixed width rectangle to show the static background as shown below.

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