Please note that the component (MultiSelect LookUp) is shipped with Dynamics 365 Field Service and is not available in a PowerApps only environment. For alternatives in case you do not have Field Service installed, check out this PCF Control

We need to update the Dynamics 365 for field Service in

Scenario – We will use a simple use case to demonstrate how to configure the multi-select lookup. Let’s assume you would like to associate more than one account to a contact using a multi-select lookup.

Follows these steps on how to configure a multiselect lookup

1.Login into the

2.Confirm that you have selected the correct environment that has Dynamics 365 Installed.

3.Select Dataverse on your navigation, the select Tables

4.Select the Contact table

5. Create a new column called Accounts, be sure to set the properties as follows as per the images on the right. Click on save once you are done.

Display name: Accounts, Data Type: Text, Advanced settings – Max Characters: 4000

6.Next add the Accounts column to the Contact Main Form, then click on Save and Publish

7. Next, we will need to add the multi-select control to the form. At the time I wrote this article, the component was not available in the modern maker experience so you will need to click on Switch to Classic.

8. Double click on the Accounts column to open the field properties, then select the controls tab.

9. Click on Add Control, the scroll down and look for the Multiselect Lookup Control, select it and then click on Add

10. Next, you will need to configure the properties for the control. By default, the Property_Display_Key should already be populated. Click on the pencil icon next to entityName_Display_Key, select Bind to Static Value and then set the SingleLine.Text property to account (all lower case). Next, set the viewidDisplay_Desc_Key to the viewid you copied in the previous step.

Once you have confirmed that your settings are correct, click on Ok and the dialog box will close.

11. Before you are able to configure the control, you will need to get the view id for Active Accounts. To do this, open a new browser tab and open a new session of the PowerApps maker. Confirm that you are in the correct environment. Open one of the Dynamics 365 apps, then select Accounts on your navigation. Ensure you have set the view to Active Accounts. Copy the viewid from the URL. Save the view id.

You are nearly done, finally you should publish the changes. While still in the classic editor, click on Save, then click on Publish. Once published, click on Save and Close. Once the classic editor closes, you should be viewing the Contact Form in the PowerApps Maker. DO NOT CLICK ON SAVE! you need to refresh the browser (press Ctrl + F5). If you click on save without refreshing, your changes will be undone because the changes you made were done in a different session.

Time to test the control. Refresh the Dynamics 365 App and your new multi-select lookup should be displayed. try it out and select more than one account and click on save. View the images below for sample of the completed solution.

This is how multiple selected accounts will be displayed.

Thats it, simple as that you now know how to configure a multiselect lookup. There is one snag though, if you add the Accounts column to a view the text that is displayed in a JSON blob which is nasty. So, my advice, do not add this field to a view. I will be publishing an article explaining how to display the list of selected accounts in a multiline text column where each account is comma separated.

I hope you found this article helpful.

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