In this blog, you’ll learn how to use Microsoft Flow or Power Automate to convert a string to a variety of data types. And these subjects are:

Convert String to Integer

We’ll begin by manually triggering the flow on Power Automate by adding “Manually trigger a flow” from Instant cloud flow. We will also add two customer inputs as text, as shown below:

The next stage will involve adding  Compose actions, which will change the input text or string into an integer. We’ll employ a formula utilizing int for this ().

Compose     –   int(triggerBody()[‘text’])
Compose 2 –   int(triggerBody()[‘text_1’])
Compose 3-   add(outputs(‘Compose’),outputs(‘Compose_2’))

Similar to this, it will translate two string values into integers and compute their addition when we input two string values. In this case, we’ll use the same numbers, 22 and 23.

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