Agreements is an arrangement with customer capable and auto scheduling work.
Use to automatically generate work order and invoice.
Agreement mostly commonly used in field service.
Maintenance schedules set them up to be daily monthly annually lot of more flexibility beyond with scheduling once you get.
Select Agreements then click on +new.
Click on the Active Agreements create the new agreement.
Select the Agreement option on left navigation bar next click on the general tab then provide all the details and save the form.
Next select the booking set up click on the three dots in right side then open popup the select the new agreement booking set up as showing the image1.
Before we click on the “+new agreement booking” scroll down the form then we can see the start date and end date.
Then enter start date and end date[you must be Remember the start and end].Otherwise the form can’t be save.
Next, Click on the save button.
Once you complete the step-2 Successfully Repeat the Step-1.
After completing the details on general tab then click on the Sub Grids tab.
Next, Select the right side three dots on incidents.
Choose the “+new agreement booking” as showing the image 2.
Once completing +new agreement booking it will display a new incidents as shown like a below image.
click on the general tab
Upside see the agreement invoice set up as showing the image 1.
When we click on the next stage it’s will navigate next step.
Since after click on the general provide details next click on the invoice products provide details in this one also you already enter details .
click on the next stage.
Once complete you details in this agreements invoice product so click on the save button.
In image 2 we see the view record.
This step was finally to agreement click on the activate agreement then it will show the finished.
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