What is Business Process Flow (BPF)In Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 Business Process Flow is a tool that provides Users with visual presentations of these Business Processes, As a feature of D365 CRM ,Business Process Flow helps users Understand the different Stages associated with the Business Processes.

How to Create a Business Process Flow

The first step in creating a business process flow is to log in to your Dynamics 365 account.

After logging in, the home page will appear. Click Settings at the top of the page.

All options will appear as shown in the following image after selecting the settings button at the top.

The solution home page will appear after you select solutions in the Customization section of the page.

select a specific solution, then launch it as shown below.

from solution The process is there by so click on it to display the outcome.Create  a new process  as shown in below.

To create “Process” give the Process Name , Category and Entity.

There are “Four” different types of categories: “Action,” “Business Process Flow,” “Dialog,” and “WorkFlow.”

Form That Category Select Business Process Flow and Entity  Click on Ok to see the flow.

Both “Components” and “Stages” exist.We must develop some steps. In our case, creating stages is as simple as dragging and dropping the stage from components.

The stage’s Properties are displayed on the left side once it has been selected.Click “apply” after providing the Display Name and Category.

There are “Nine” different categories, for example.

“Qualify”, “Develop”,”Prapose”,”Close”,”Identify”,”Research”,”Resolve”,”Approval”.

Choose “One” Category of your choosing, then build some Stages and Properties .

Each Stage consists of a few steps that are likewise similar to drag and drop operations; complete these steps by providing values.

Open the Model Driven applications, save and activate the process, and test the file by providing inputs.The Business Process Flow is displayed with our Stages and Steps at the top of the flow.

When you complete the data, save it, and test the business process flow by selecting Next Stage, the flow automatically advances to the following stage before being completed.

We can create business process flows using our scenarios in this way.

For any Help or Queries Contact us on info@crmonce.com or +918096556344 .