Create a login page in canvas app

Make a Power apps login screen with a Username field, Password field, and a Login button. To do so, follow the instructions below:

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    Use your credentials to log in to the PowerApps app.

  Create a new Canvas app from scratch and select either the Tablet or Phone Layout.

   After that, a blank Powerapps screen will appear. We primarily require two screens: one for User Login (where the user can enter their name and password) and another for displaying the Welcome message.

   To display the Welcome message, create a new blank screen (Home -> New screen -> Blank) and rename it Welcome Screen.

   Simply add a Label to the Welcome page and set their Text properties to “WELCOME TO POWERAPPS,” as shown below:


Add the following Powerapps input controls to the User Login screen:

  Add three Label controls (One is for Title and others are for the Username and Password).
  Add two Text input controls (One is for Username and another one is for Password).
  Set the Default value of two text inputs to blank and the Hint text to (Enter Username and Enter Password).

  Next, add one Button (Insert -> Button) and set its Text property to LOGIN.

After adding all the Powerapps input controls to the User Login screen, it will look like the below screenshot:

Step 3;

Create a sharepoint list and And change the Tittle name as username and take Text Column as Password

create some login credentials

Now connect the list to the power point

Next, write the below function in login button

If(LookUp(‘Login credentials’, Title=TextInput1.Text,Password=TextInput2.Text), Navigate(‘My Leave Requests’), Notify(“Enter a valid username and Password”, Error)&Reset(TextInput1)&Reset(TextInput2));

  Save the app, then press F5 to preview it. Click the LOGIN button after entering the Username and Password (created in the sharepoint list).
  the Password input field is appearing with “……“, because I set its Mode property to Password.
  The Welcome screen will appear as seen below if the password validation was successful.