Canvas App Introduction :

Sign in to the Canvas app from the Power app. Create the left side menu with the help of canvas app.

Click on the create button, then select the Blank App, and finally click on the create button. Enter app a name click the create button .


About  Components are essentially just reusable building blocks that you may use once in your components or multiple times by creating them in a component library Screen. 

click on the Components to create the menu . 

Canvas App


Add Components Rename this component is (Left Menu) change the size of the width is 150 and height is 768


Select the insert a blank vertical gallery.

Click the X position and change the FX (0)

Click the Y position and change the FX  (0)

Set the gallery Width FX  Parent.Width

Set the gallery Height  FX Parent.Height

Scrollbar is off



Click on the Left Menu component. Right side click the New custom property change Display name MenuItems then Automatic Name change as MenuItems, Description Nav menu, property types choose Input , Data type is select the Table


Select the MenuItems is input property it has given sample in a table so change this FX  given the below  

MenuText: “Home”,
MenuIcon: Icon.Home,
NavigateToScreen: Screen1
MenuText: “Add”,
MenuIcon: Icon.Add,
NavigateToScreen: Screen2
MenuText: “My Request”,
MenuIcon: Icon.Document,
NavigateToScreen: Screen3
MenuText: “All Request”,
MenuIcon: Icon.DocumentWithContent,
NavigateToScreen: Screen4



Click on the Gallery2 then select Items change FX is Left Menu.MenuItems


In Gallery2 add some controls Insert the Text Label1,Icon ADD,Rectangle1,Button2 .

Click All control changing  X property  FX parent.X.

Y property FX is parent.Y .

Height FX is Gallery2 .TemplateHeight.

click on Button2 change Width Fx is parent.width.

TemplatePadding is 0




Select Button2 change the color property transparent


Change the size width is 4

color white will select see the below image 


click on the Icon FX is ThisItem.MenuIcon  


Choose the Text Label property is FX ThisItem.MenuText

 In this Label 1 X position FX is Icon 1.Width and FX parent.width-Icon1.width



select the Button 2 in italic then text will be clear.


Click on the Gallery2 change TemplateSize Fx 90


Select the Icon1  and change  the Size is 40


click on the Left Menu Components select the custom color 

choose the Icon1 color white ,Black or choice 

Label change the color it is also choice

Next click on the gallery 2 on select property FX Navigate(ThisItem.NavigateToScreen) 

Gallery2 TemplateFill FX If(ThisItem.NavigateToScreen=App.ActiveScreen,RGBA(167, 204, 203, 1)Color.RGBA(234, 187, 242, 0.9)) 


Select the Screens click on New screen input 4 screens and click on insert click the Custom then choose the Left Menu 

Screen color each screen color is different its choices change like above image RGBA


After Insert add screen Left Menu the icon1 is add the screens and click on the Icons ,the screen will be change see the below the image

For any Help or Queries Contact us on or +91 9014146800