
This blog explain about how to create folders and subfolders in the SharePoint document library using power automate.

Step 1
Login to the required Power Automate environment using URL by providing the user name and password and click on Create on the left-hand side and after chose the Automated Cloud Flow as shown in the below figure

Step 2
After step 1, click on  the trigger as When an item is created, and Give the Flow Name Then click on Create as shown in the bellow figure

Step 3
Click on + New Step, find and select the “Initialize variables” action as show in the below figure.

Step 4
Expand the Initialize variable and give “Name”, “Type” is Array and “Value” is

Step 5
Click on + Next Step and find and select the “Apply to Each” action under select the “Create new folder“.

Step 6
Configure Create new folder action as follows,

  1. Choose site Address
  2. Choose a Library name for where need to create a folder
  3. Folder path represents the folder structure /ID is a root folder and /current item refers to the value from the array(for subfolders)

Step 7
Click on Save Flow and create item in respected SharePoint list then the flow is trigger after check the SharePoint list.

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