We create the word order in field service dynamics 365.
When work order is conformed.
Next read and understand their technical skill, resources and urgence.
Once receive the task and check the spares parts and tools for customer requirements.
Check their stock and service availed then schedule the field service.
Generate work order so go to field service application select the Sale Hub as showing the image.
Let’s we select the Sale Hub so hear we create the word order then generate this work order to field service work order.
So follow the below steps.
Completely entry the sale hub. click on the contacts select the new as showing the below image.
Now we create these contacts.
In sales contacts select the summary then entry the first name: entry name as you wish for example, I’m entry the arjun is my first name. Charan is my last name.
Job title: fill the job title.
Account name: next we create name so sky this and fill the details.
Click on the save button.
Next in contacts click on the Address it will navigate to the details.
Fill your details about which street are you living.
Name the City
State which state your living entry the name hear.
Entry Zip code.
Entry which Country you belong.
After complete details so Click on the done button
Click on the Accounts
Select the Summary hear entry the Account name.
Entry you’re all the details.
Click on the save button.
selects the address entry all you detail.
click on the done button.
In accounts click on the servicing.
This service selects the service territory entry that.
click on the save buttons.
Select the servicing entry the work order instructions hear i entry the create work order this for example.
Click on the coordinates select the Latitude and longitude this is main important for choose the map so entry the carefully.
Entry the billing account
Price List entry
Click on the save.
In this look the top there 3 dots so click on those 3 dots
It will open and select the geo code
Select it will open as showing the image 2 and entry all details then click on the ok button see the below the image2.
complete contacts and accounts this see the image below.
Opportunities click on the new and add the summary details then click on save.
Products entry the price list and revenue then click on the save .
Image:2 select the Add product then create that click on the save.
Opportunities field service select the work order type entry as see the image below.
click convert to work order then click on the ok as showing the image2
See the image hear work order name change so this we generate work order in field service.