  • Your first step the ‘Power Query Editor’ window will be opened.

  • we have contain two tables  of data







  • Now select the first table and go to ‘Combine’ at the top of left side of the tool. Here you get two options, ‘Merge Queries’ and ‘Append Queries’.







  • Click on ‘Merge Queries’, you will again get two options ‘Merge Queries’ and ‘Merge Queries as New’.
Merge Queries

This option is used to merge two table together and does not create a new table.







  • Here these option will be working on existing table to modification it will be highlighted at the above figure 
Merge Queries as New
  • This option is required to merge two or more table and create a new one. You need to click on ‘Merge Queries as New’ to create a new one.







  • In the highlighted marked list box you need to select another table.







  • selected  table preview will be shown below

Selection columns Or key Column
  • Now select the key column or the joining condition of these two tables; i.e. ‘Id’ and click ‘Ok’.







  • Now you will get the new table name as ‘Merge 1’







  • You can also rename the Merge table by right clicking on the table and clicking on ‘Rename’,and Also change in Name I renamed my table as ‘personal information’.

  • To fill the data into the last column click the check box and select the column to insert. I selected ‘Mock_data’. It will call ‘Date&Gender’ table and show all columns of this table.







  • Select the column that you need and also uncheck the below box, ‘Use original column name as prefix’. Click ‘Ok’.







  • Date and Gender columns has successfully inserted into the personal information table.







  • Click on Apply to save changes.







  • I hope this will help you to understand how to merge tables in Power BI

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