If you want to place Ads and ADs placement in Power Apps Portal website follow the Below Steps:

1.Open “portal management App”.

2.Go to Ads —> Click on Create New Ad

3.Enter your Details:

Name:Name of the AD.

Website:Enter your Website name.

Release Date:Date from which you want to make the Ad live.

Expiration Date:Date for  which the ad will be not visible.

Publishing state:Published.


Whenever user will click on that ad it will redirect to that particular URL.

  • Redirect URL.
  • Open In New Window.

Next Save the Record and Goto the Content page. Click on HTML section to write HTML code. [I have used the below  code].



<div style=”padding:20px;border:dotted 5px white;background-color:#c90e2a;position:fixed;right:0px;top:90px”>
50% Discount on Mobiles <br>
Promo code is <mark>PM112</mark>

Save the Record follow the next steps.

Below are the Steps for to create ad Placement

1.Go to “Ad Placements” -> create  “+New”.

2.Enter your Detals:Name,Website.

3.After creating ad placement, you must add the ad Tab and Add existing option to associate the Ad record it.

Open to Web Template, where you want to display add.

then Enter the  below line of code on the Web Template.

{% include “ad” ad_name:”Demo AD” ad_placement_name:”Demo AD Placement” %}

Now save and sync configuration and reload the Portal  page. You will see the Adds  like the below page.

For any Help or Queries Contact us on info@crmonce.com or +918096556344.