In this blog, we will show how to prevent or restrict saving based on field values in dynamics 365

For this blog I have created below fields.  if Status Reason is Active and below any of the field is empty(father,mail,coun) the code will stop saving the form.

Additionally I am giving an alert when the form prevents saving



function preventsave(executionContext){
var formContext= executionContext.getFormContext();
var status= formContext.getAttribute(“statuscode”).getValue();
var fathername=formContext.getAttribute(“vinay_father”).getValue();
var mail=formContext.getAttribute(“vinay_mail”).getValue();
var count=formContext.getAttribute(“vinay_coun”).getValue();
var eventArgs=executionContext.getEventArgs();

if(status == 1){
if(fathername == null || mail == null || count == null){
let alertstings={
ConfirmButtonLabe: “ok”,
text:”This is just a test of vinay to stop saving the record”,
let alertoptions={
height: 120,
width: 260
Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(alertstings, alertoptions).then(
console.log(“Alert Dialog Closed”);

Now we can see its working with the above code and if any field is empty when status reason is Active and the form will be unsaved

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