
Here, I am using the ‘Append Queries’ feature in Power query editor to append two or more files located in different folders but have the same table structure.

Data Details 

  • To append two files, I am having two excel sheet ‘Employee details’ and ‘Employee details1’ located in a different location. First, we will import these files in the power query editor
  • Employee details 







  • Employee details1

Let’s start

Now we have two tables in the power query editor as shown below.






Go to the ‘Combine’ menu at ‘Home’ page, where you get ‘Append Queries’, it will Append in existing Table.






click on ‘Append Query as New’. This will append two tables and create a new table.

Once you click on it a new ‘Append’ window will appear. Provide ‘Primary table’ and the table that needs to be appended on it.













You can rename this table as ‘Employee’.







And save these changes by click on ‘Close & Apply’ inside the ‘File’ tab. Now all these three tables will be shown on the Power BI dashboard.

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