In this Power Apps tutorial, we’ll go over a few real-world applications of the Notify() method in Power Apps.
We will learn here how to use PowerApps’ notify function to display alerts and notifications in the apps. PowerApps makes it simple to create apps.
Power Notification function

What does the PowerApps notify feature do? We can use the PowerApps Notify feature to display an alert notification above the PowerApps screen. Notifications such as Error, Information, Success, and Warning can be displayed.

The notification will continue to appear until the user dismisses it, another notification takes its place, or the default timeout, which is 10 seconds, runs out. Additionally, it gives the user the option to extend the notify function’s notification timeout.

This notification option specifies that the message displayed is an error message. The notification will be red with a cross symbol.
Insert the following statement into the OnSelect property of a button control to display an error notification.

Notify(“This is just a test”, Error)

While previewing the app, an error message will appear at the top of the screen, as shown below.

This notification option specifies that the message being displayed is a warning. The notification will be in a light-orange colour with a warning icon.
In the OnSelect property of a button control, place the expression below to display a warning indication.

Notify(“This is just a test”, Warning)

While previewing the app, Warning message will appear at the top of the screen, as shown below.

This notification parameter indicates that the notification was successful. The alert will be displayed with a tick sign and a light green background.
In the OnSelect property of a button control, place the expression below to display a Success indication.

Notify(“This is just a test”, Success)

While previewing the app, Success message will appear at the top of the screen, as shown below.

This default parameter indicates that the message displayed is an informational notification. That is, if the user does not specify the second argument, an informational message will be displayed by default.
The notification will show up in a light grey tint with an information icon. Use the expression in a button control’s OnSelect property to show a default or informational notification.

Notify(“This is just a test”, Information)

While previewing the app, an information notification will come up at the top of the screen as shown below.