Custom Connector from an openAPI

To create a custom connector, you must describe the API you want to connect to so that the connector understands the API’s operations and data structures. In this topic, you create a custom connector using an OpenAPI definition (or) Import An OpenAPI File.

Import the OpenAPI definition for Power Automate and Power Apps

Sign in to Power Apps or Power Automate.

On the left pane, select Data > Custom connectors

Select New custom connector, and then select Import an OpenAPI file.

Enter a name for the custom connector, go to the OpenAPI definition that you downloaded or created, and then select Continue.

Review general details
From this point, we’ll show the Power Automate UI, but the steps are largely the same across all three technologies. We’ll point out any differences. In this part of the topic, we’ll mostly review the UI and show you how the values correspond to sections of the OpenAPI file.

Make sure the name is set, and then select Create connector.

On the General page, review the information that was imported from the OpenAPI definition, including the API host and the base URL for the API. The connector uses the API host and the base URL to determine how to call the API.

Review authentication type
There are several options available for authentication in custom connectors. The Cognitive Services APIs use API key authentication, so that’s what’s specified in the OpenAPI definition.

On the Security page, review the authentication information for the API key.

We need to check the Definition we pass the action all the think in the action.

The Request area displays information based on the HTTP request that’s included in the OpenAPI definition.

The following section of the OpenAPI definition contains information for the General and Request areas of the UI:

The Validation area displays any issues that are detected in the API definition. Make sure to check this area before you save a connector.

And finally we need to click on the Create connector. 

Click on the and select Code Enabled. in action we select our connector 

And final Test we need give the connector create API Key as in the below.

We need to test i am passing the INR



The final response.

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