Introduction for lookup columns in sharePoint list

A Lookup Column is One of the available column types in SharePoint. Its looks like a Choice Column ,Displaying Multiple Options usually in a dropdown for the user to choose from ,but unlike a choice Column, in a SharePoint list Lookup column these displayed choices are Retrieved from another list.


what is sharePoint Lookup Column ?

You can establish a connection between two lists by using the “Lookup” column in a SharePoint list.

Consider that you have a list of the departments and employees. The employee list can have a “Lookup” column that points to the department’s list. You can simply examine and sort employees by department because of this.

what's the need for Lookup column ?

It enables us to create connections between two lists, simplifying the management and arrangement of data.

It facilitates the following outcomes:

  • Reduce data redundancy
  • Improve data accuracy
  • Simplify data entry
  • Make it easier to analyze data


let's understand more by creating

We will first build a SharePoint list called “Employee” and add the following columns,

List Name- Employee


  • Employee No- Single Line text
  • Name- Single Line text
  • Date Of Birth- Date and Time
  • Designation- Choice.


You must first log into SharePoint and visit your group, as seen below.

created the Employee List Name as seen below.

Now Let’s Create another list named ‘Department’ and add columns as follows,

List Name- Department


  • Employee ID- Lookup Column and Configure the Properties below to Link to the Employee List and Employee ID column in Employee List.
  • Name- Name of the Department (Single Line of text)
  • Head of Department- Single Line of Text

If there are existing records in the Employee List, we can choose the Employee ID from a dropdown menu when creating new records in the Department List.

So this is how we can Link the two lists in SharePoint using the Power of Lookup Columns.

Now when Opening the Employee ID from the Department List, we can see all the details of that Employee in one place.

Lookup columns in SharePoint can be used to filter, sort, and select data by allowing users to search for and display data from a related list based on specific criteria, which can help streamline data retrieval and analysis processes.

In conclusion, Lookup columns in SharePoint List are a powerful tool for organizing and connecting data across multiple lists. By allowing users to reference data from one list to another, 

By leveraging the power of Lookup columns, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity in their data management processes.

Hope you get the Concept of Lookup Columns in SharePoint List.

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