Screen Names:-

A screen name should clearly describe its purpose in 2-3 words ending with word “Screen.” Use proper-case. A screen-reader will speak the screen name to visually-impaired users when the screen loads.

Good ExamplesBad ExamplesBad Reason
Appointments ScreenAppointmentsMissing the word ‘Screen’
Order Form ScreenOrderFormScreenNot friendly to a screen reader
Collect Signature ScreenscrCollectSignatureNot friendly to a screen reader

Control Names:-
A control name should show the control-type, the purpose and the screen. Use camel-case and underscores for spacing. For example, the control named txt_OrderForm_FirstName is a text input that captures first name on the app’s Order Form Screen.

Good ExamplesBad ExamplesBad Reason
drp_NewEmployee_DepartmentdrpDepartmentNewEmployeeNo spacing
btn_OrderForm_Submitbtn_Submit_OrderFormWrong order
gal_Home_Appointmentsgly_Home AppointmentsNon-standard control prefix


Variable Names:-
A variable name should show the scope of the variable and its purpose. Use camel-case with no spaces between each word. For example, the variable gblUserEmail is a global variable which holds the current user’s email address.

Good ExamplesBad ExamplesBad Reason
gblUserCurrentUserCurrentNo scope
locPacksInBoxQuantityLoc_Packs_In_Box_QuantityImproper capitalization and spacing
LocIsLoadinglocBoolLoadingDo not use data types in variable names
varWorkdaysDuringVacationvarWorkdaysNot descriptive enough

Datasource Table Names:-
A datasource created by the developer should have 1-3 words to describe its purpose. Use the singluar form of the word and proper-case. Be as concise and clear about the purpose of the datasource as possible.

Good ExamplesBad ExamplesBad Reason
EmployeeEmpAbbreviation instead of full word
Construction ProjectsProjectsToo general, what type of projects?
Repair OrdersRepairOrdersNo spacing, plural

Collection Names:-
A collection name should contain the original datasource and describe its purpose. Use camel-case with no spaces between each word. For example, the collection colDvInvoices is a collection of invoices from Dataverse.

Good ExamplesBad ExamplesBad Reason
colSpEmployeescolEmployeesNo datasource
colDvSalesLeadscoldv_salesleadsImproper capitalization and spacing
colNavigationMenuNavigationMenuDo no use data types in variable names


A standard list of data source abbreviations can be found below:

Original DatasourceAbbreviation
None (created in-app)(none)

A list of standard control prefixes can be found below.

Button btn
Camera Control cam
Canvas cvs
Card dtc
Charts chr
Check Box chk
Collection col
Container con
Combo Box cmb
Component cmp
Date Picker dte
Drop Down drp
Form frm
Gallery gal
Group grp
HTML Text htm
Icon ico
Image img
Label lbl
List Box lst
Map map
Measuring Cameramcm
Microphone mic
Microsoft Stream str
PDF Viewer pdf
Pen Input pen
Power BI Tile pbi
Radio rad
Rating rtg
Rich Text Editor rte
Shapes shp
Slider sld
Table tbl
Text Input txt
Timer tmr
Toggle tgl
Video vid