Introduction In this blog, we will see how to create Data Table layout on the screen, connecting it to your power apps table, using SortByColumns & Search to your data table created.
Add Data table to the screen 1. Rename your screen name for your reference by right clicking screen shown in the below picture
Insert the Data Table from the insert tab shown
Choose the data source to connect to your data table screen
Edit the fields, which you wanted to be added to your data table screen and click close icon.
Insert Search Text box to the Data Table Insert the “Text Input” from the insert tab and set default value “Empty” & Hint text to “Search”.
Insert Sort Icon to the datatable columns Insert the sort icon from the insert tab to each columns in the data table
Connect search and Sort to the datatable Add the below expression to the sort icon “Onselect”.
Also add the below expression to the datatable “Items”.