In this Blog, we will learn about Template Strings, String Interpolation, and Multi-Line Strings in Typescript.

What are Template Strings in TypeScript?

Template  Strings are literals delimited with backticks ` instead of single quote or double quotes.

The syntax for template literals is as follows.

Syntax : 

`string text ${expression} string text`

1.They need to be enclosed in template literal syntax or a backtick.

2.The expression needs to be enclosed in curly braces and a dollar symbol ($expression).

3.The “target”: “es6” or “target”: “es2015” must be enabled in the tsconfig.json file.

4.Strings are produced by template literals always.


`Hello & Welcome to Crmonce Blogs`

String Interpolation in TypeScript :

Interpolation is the process of evaluating a string literal that contains one or more expressions. It evaluates the expression and converts the result to a string. The result is then replaced in the original string.

Example : 

 let EmployeeName :string = “Abcd”;    

console.log(`${EmployeeName} is the greatest cricketer of all time`)

The expression used in the example above is $(Employee Name). It is first evaluated, and the answer, “Abcd,” is then substituted in its place in the final string.

 Example 2 :

 const firstName = ‘Xyz’;
const topic =”Template Strings”
console.log(`Hello ${firstName}!
Welcome to the ${topic}  Crmonce Blogs`);

Multiline strings in Type Script : 

We will define multiline strings in typescript using template literals. A template literal is simply a string defined with backticks (“) rather than double and single quotes.

The example below shows how to make a multiline string. Simply press enter to move on to the next line. The n character is automatically added to the string.

Example : 

 let sentence: string =`Hello, welcome to Crmonce Blogs `

The multiline strings without back-quote are created by inserting a \n newline character (LF).

Example : 

let sentence: string =”Hello, welcome to Crmonce Blogs ,\n”+
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