
How to display Alert message for InCorrect password

Alert Message: If you want to display Incorrect password Alert! Incase you will enter Wrong password follow the below steps: 1.First you have to open login Page, Then click on login button. 2.Paste the below code on to the button. If(Password.Text=”Uma54366″,Navigate(‘Wel...


How to display form data on another screen in canvas app

Canvas App: If you want to display form data on another Screen follow the below steps: Step-1:Open the Screen where you want to display the form data. Add the Blank gallery on to the Screen. Open “Data source” then select your Form name.(I am already created share point list so...


How to connect Canvas app with Sharepoint list in Power Apps

Sharepoint List: If you want to connect canvas app with Sharepoint follow the below steps: Step-1:First you have to create a new list in Sharepoint. Create a list with the name of Employee Details. Then create Column names  as for your Business requirement. Step-2:Next connect canvas app ...


Login form On Canvas App for Beginners

Login Form: If you want to create a login page in Canvas app follow the below Steps: 1.First you have to login power apps with your credentials. 2.Next,Open blank canvas app —>Choose either tablet or Phone. 3.Next open two blank screens one is for Login and another is for Welcome ...


How To Add Advanced Filter List-2 On Power Apps Portal

Power Apps Portal: In this Blog ,We Filter the list by using checkboxes/Radio button/drop-down list, each of which tries to match its condition against a specified attribute of the given table. If you want to add Filter in Entity List for to filter records in PowerApps Portal follow the be...


How to add Basic Filter List-1 on Power apps portal

Power apps portal: If you want to add Filter in Entity List for to filter records in PowerApps Portal follow the below steps: 1.Go to Portal management app. 2.Open the list on which you want to add the filter option. 3.Next, Scroll down and go to Enable Metadata Filter in General tab. If s...


How to Display Current Date and Time on Portal Webpage

Date and Time : If you want to Add Current Date and Time in your Power  Portal webpage follow the Below Steps: Step 1:First you have to open Webpage–>Content page, On your Portal management app. Step 2:Paste the below liquid Tag on Web page—>Content Page. <h3> {{ n...
