
At times we tend to miss important updates, especially some reminders, here in order to handle these kinds of things Scheduled cloud flows come to the rescue in Power Automate. As a real-time scenario, we tend to forget to take a break of 5 min for every hour while working with computers/ Laptops in this example I will try to explain this with Scheduled Cloud Flow.

Step 1

Login to the required Power Apps environment using URL by providing username and password and click on Flows on the left-hand side as shown in the below figure.


Step 2

After Step 1, Click on New Flow and select Scheduled cloud flow and name it as Screen Break and Run this flow provide Starting date as 06/o8/2023 at 9:45 AM and select 1 hour under Repeat every and click on create as shown in the below figure.



Step 3

After Step 2, under Recurrence select operation Send email and select action Send email(v2) Gmail as shown in the below figure.

Step 4

After Step 3, under Send email (v2) Gmail provide required emails under To field

To: .com
Subject: Take Break for 5 min
Body : Please take 5 min break , so that eyes gets refreshed

as shown in the below figure.

And Next Save and Test  it’s run successfully.

Step 5

After Step 4, save and test the flow and observe at 9.45 AM IST an email will be triggered with the details that we gave as shown in the below figure.


  1. You can also specify the time zone under recurrence action.
  2. Test manually if the mails are getting triggered or not.
  3. As this is scheduled flow, it keeps on triggering on frequent intervals of time, so if not needed please make sure to turn off flow.
  4. You should establish connection with gmail account if not configured earlier, in this example used existing connection.




In this way we can use Scheduled Flows in power automate so that any scheduled reminders can be sent without missing also these can be used in other useful scenarios like medicine reminders, food, health checkups, birthday reminders, and important monthly events, etc.



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