In tis typescript blog we ar3e going to see using of for each statement in typescript.

  foreach  in TypeScript :

The forEach() method is an array method which is used to execute a function on each item in an array. We can use it with the JavaScript data types like Arrays, Maps, Sets, etc. It is a useful method for displaying elements in an array. 

Loop initialization : 

The variables involved in the loop condition are given initial, acceptable values during the loop initialization. The action only takes place once before the loop starts


Declare foreach In TypeScript :

Syntax : 

array.forEach(callback[, thisObject]);

Example : 

var num = [5, 15, 20];  

num.forEach(function (value) {  




Disadvantage of forEach() : 

The following are the disadvantages of the use of the forEach() method

  1. It does not provide a way to stop or break the forEach() loop.
  2. It only works with arrays.

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