Introduction :

Quick measure is a powerful feature used to perform calculations easily and quickly. Quick measure contains a set of DAX queries that runs in the background and the result will show in your report. So, you don’t need to write any DAX query in Power Bi. When you create a quick measure, it will be added in to your table and the calculation that’s running behind will be shown in your report. Kit is a very useful feature to get results from complex functions and queries like calculating ‘Correlation coefficient’ etc.

Quick measure contains five main types of calculations which are mentioned below,

  • Aggregate per category
  1. Average per category
  2. Variance per category
  3. Max per category
  4. Min per category
  5. Weighted average per category
  • Filters
  1. Filtered value
  2. Difference from filtered value
  3. Percentage difference from filtered value
  4. Sales from new customers
  • Time intelligence
  1. Year-to-date total
  2. Quarter-to-date total
  3. Month-to-date total
  4. Year-over-year change
  5. Quarter-over-quarter change
  6. Month-over-month change
  7. Rolling average
  • Totals
  1. Running total
  2. Total for category (filters applied)
  3. Total for category (filters not applied)
  • Mathematical operations
  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. Percentage difference
  6. Correlation coefficient
  • Text
  1. Star rating
  2. Concatenated list of values
How to add quick measure

To add quick measure, there are two ways:

Select table and go to ‘Home’ tab and click on ‘Quick measure’.

or you can right click on selected table and then click on ‘New quick measure’.

In both ways when you click on quick measure a new window will be opened which lets you perform calculations.

For example, I calculate ‘Average per category’. So, click on it. Provide ‘base value’ and ‘Category’ here and click on ‘Ok’ to apply formula.

After clicking on ‘Ok’ a new measure will be added in your table and the formula will be shown at the screen. In the below image I have highlighted the new measure.

To check the value of the newly added quick measure you can select ‘Card’ visual. The result will be shown in your selected visual. See the below image.






This is how you can add quick measure in your table and show it in your report. Similarly, you can use other in-built calculations by using the quick measure feature.

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