In this blog we can see what is ternary conditional operator in TypeScript.
Ternary conditional operator :

The Typescript conditional operator is a Ternary Operator with three operands.

The first operand is an evaluation condition. It is followed by a question mark (? ), and finally by an expression (expression1). The colon (:) is then followed by the second expression (expression2).

If the condition is true, expression1 is executed; otherwise, expression2 is executed. The conditional operator is a shortcut for writing an If then statement.


condition ? expression1 : expression2;

Example : 

let a=9
let b=12
let c= (a > b ? ‘a is greater than b’ : ‘a is not greater than b’);
console.log(c) //a is not greater than b

Multiple Conditions in Ternary Operator :

A Ternary Operator can also have Multiple Conditions or Nested Conditions.

Example : 

function check(a:number,b:number) {
let c= (a == b ? ‘a is equal to b’ : (a >b) ? ‘a is greater than b’ : ‘b is greater than a’);

check(15,15) //a is equal to b
check(15,12) //a is greater than b
check(20,31) //b is greater than a

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